Connecting to the Shinto Goddess of the Sun Amaterasu - Chai Bunny

Connecting to the Shinto Goddess of the Sun Amaterasu

Life has its seasons. Sometimes, you're basking in the glow of summer, where everything feels soft and easy. Other times, you find yourself in a winter so bleak that darkness consumes you. During those darker times, when you're searching for light, the sun goddess Amaterasu is there.

Amaterasu, 'The Great Deity Who Shines in the Heavens,' is the Shinto deity of light and warmth. She symbolizes resilience, spiritual empowerment, and the triumph of light over darkness.

In this exploration, we delve into her myths, teachings, symbols, and offerings. Most importantly, we'll discover how to bring Amaterasu's enduring light into our daily lives through practices, affirmations, and journal prompts.

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Who Is Amaterasu? The Sun Goddess in Japanese Mythology

image of a shrine at sunrise symbolizing Amaterasu

Amaterasu, is the sun goddess of Japanese mythology, she embodies the interconnection of the celestial and the terrestrial realms. Her talents range from weaving the cosmos's fabric on her celestial loom, symbolizing order and harmony, to masterfully wielding a bow as a guardian of her realm against chaos.

As the life-giving sun, she nurtures agriculture, ensuring prosperity and the well-being of all. Amaterasu's radiance brings fortune and hope, illuminating paths through darkness, while her light acts as a bastion against evil, embodying purity and protection.

Amaterasu is a powerful deity, central to the balance and harmony of life, revered for her nurturing light and her role as a protector and creator.

The Mythical Origins: The Birth of Amaterasu

A Gentle flowing waterfall symbolizing the birthplace of Amaterasu

The myth begins with Izanagi and Izanami, primordial deities who created Japan's islands by stirring the ocean with a jeweled spear. Their divine union birthed various kami (deities), populating this new land.

However, Izanami's death during childbirth plunged Izanagi into despair, leading him to the underworld, Yomi, in a quest to reunite with her. His forbidden gaze upon her decayed form in Yomi resulted in a tragic separation, with Izanami unleashing vengeful spirits as he fled.

Emerging from Yomi, a sorrowful Izanagi sought purification at the Floating Bridge of Heaven, Ame-no-ukihashi. This cleansing ritual birthed three powerful deities: from his left eye, Amaterasu, the sun goddess symbolizing warmth and hope; from his right eye, Tsukuyomi, the moon god embodying balance; and from his nose, Susanoo, the storm god, representing the untamed forces of nature.

Ama-no-Iwato: The Tale of Light’s Resurgence

Susanoo throws a Horse at Amaterasu's Loom
"Susanoo throws a Horse at Amaterasu's Loom" by Hagino Yoshiyuki

The myth of Ama-no-Iwato revolves around Amaterasu, the sun goddess, and her brother Susanoo, the storm god. After Susanoo's reckless actions deeply hurt her, Amaterasu retreated into the Ama-no-Iwato cave, removing her vital light from the world and causing darkness to prevail.

As the earth plunged into cold and despair, the gods devised a plan to coax her out. They orchestrated a lively celebration outside the cave, piquing Amaterasu's curiosity. When she peered outside, she saw her radiant reflection in a mirror placed by the gods. Mistaking it for another deity, Amaterasu stepped out, and her light immediately flooded back, revitalizing the world.

This story symbolizes the resurgence of hope and light after periods of darkness, showcasing Amaterasu's essential role in sustaining life and her embodiment of resilience and renewal.

Learning from Amaterasu: Lessons in Light and Resilience

torii gate atop mount fuji

We can discover so much about ourselves by exploring the stories of goddesses, and Amaterasu is a perfect example. Her myths and symbols offer a wealth of inspiration and empowerment for personal growth and self-confidence. Beyond that, they provide guidance, support, and healing in challenging times.

These teachings deeply resonate with me, and I've found ways to weave them into my own life. By sharing these insights, I hope you too can find meaningful connections and ways to apply them in your own journey.

  • The Power of Light: Amaterasu represents the power of light, warmth, and illumination. Her presence reminds us of the importance of bringing light into our own lives and the lives of others. She teaches us to seek clarity, positivity, and enlightenment even in challenging times.
  • Purity and Integrity: Amaterasu is often associated with purity and integrity. Her radiance symbolizes a state of spiritual and moral purity. Her example encourages us to lead virtuous lives, act with honesty, and maintain a sense of purity in our intentions and actions.
  • Harmony and Balance: Amaterasu's role as a bringer of balance and harmony emphasizes the importance of equilibrium in our lives. She teaches us to strive for balance between work and leisure, to foster harmonious relationships, and to find inner peace.
  • Resilience and Renewal: The myth of Amaterasu's emergence from the Ama-no-Iwato cave after a period of darkness highlights the themes of resilience and renewal. Her story teaches us that even in the darkest moments, there is hope for renewal, and that we can emerge from challenges stronger and wiser.
  • Connection to Nature: Amaterasu's connection to the sun and the natural world reminds us of our interconnectedness with nature. She encourages us to respect and protect the environment and appreciate the beauty and life-giving qualities of the natural world.
  • Protection and Guidance: As a protective deity, Amaterasu offers guidance and blessings in times of need. She teaches us to seek guidance, protection, and strength from higher powers when facing challenges or uncertainties.
  • Warmth and Nurturance: As the goddess of the sun, Amaterasu symbolizes warmth not only in a physical sense but also in kindness, compassion, and nurturing relationships. Her presence encourages us to cultivate warmth in our interactions and support systems.

By integrating these teachings and practices into our lives, we pay homage to Amaterasu and allow her timeless wisdom to guide us in our journey towards a more enlightened, compassionate, and resilient existence.

Symbols of the Sun Goddess: Understanding Amaterasu’s Representations

imperial regalia of japan

Artist's Impression of the Three Imperial Regalias of Japan
  • The Sun: Central to Amaterasu's identity is the sun itself. Representing life, energy, and enlightenment, the sun is a symbol of her omnipresence and her role as the universe's illuminator. Every sunrise is a daily reminder of her emergence from the Ama-no-Iwato and the renewal of light.
  • The Mirror (Yata no Kagami): The mirror is perhaps the most potent symbol associated with Amaterasu, stemming from the myth where she is lured out of the cave by seeing her reflection. It represents wisdom, truth, and self-reflection, encouraging introspection and the understanding of one’s inner light.
  • Three-Legged Crow (Yatagarasu): This mythical creature, often associated with Amaterasu, is believed to guide and provide divine intervention. It symbolizes guidance, divine support, and the goddess's will manifesting in the world.
  • Rooster: In some myths, a rooster is said to have played a role in coaxing Amaterasu out of the cave. The rooster, heralding the dawn, symbolizes the awakening of spirits and the beginning of new opportunities.
  • White Horses: In some traditional ceremonies and rituals, white horses are considered sacred and are used as symbolic offerings to Amaterasu. White horses symbolize purity and are seen as messengers to the goddess.
  • The Imperial Regalia: The mirror, along with the jewel (Yasakani no Magatama) and the sword (Kusanagi no Tsurugi), form the Imperial Regalia of Japan. These regalia represent the virtues of wisdom (mirror), valor (sword), and benevolence (jewel), all of which are attributes associated with Amaterasu.
  • Chrysanthemums: As flowers of the imperial family, with whom Amaterasu shares a direct lineage, chrysanthemums symbolize longevity, rejuvenation, and nobility. They are often used in rituals and offerings to honor her.
  • Celestial Flames: As the goddess of the sun, Amaterasu is associated with the flames and rays of the sun. These flames symbolize her warmth, life-giving energy, and the illumination she provides to the world.
  • Phoenix: In some artistic representations and interpretations, Amaterasu may be depicted in the form of a phoenix or associated with this mythical bird. The phoenix is often seen as a symbol of renewal and resurrection, reflecting Amaterasu's role in bringing light back to the world.
  • Radiant Halo: Similar to the halo often seen in depictions of various deities, Amaterasu may be portrayed with a radiant halo or nimbus surrounding her head, emphasizing her divine radiance and luminosity.

Honoring the Divine: Offerings to Amaterasu

Pouring Green tea of Amaterasu

In Shinto practice, offerings to Amaterasu are acts of honor, gratitude, and connection. Each offering carries powerful symbolism, reflecting the giver's intentions and the divine qualities of Amaterasu.

Here's a guide to some traditional offerings and their meanings:

  • Rice: As a staple and life-giving food in Japan, rice symbolizes sustenance and abundance. Offerings of rice, often as rice cakes (mochi) or simple cooked grains, honor Amaterasu's nurturing role in providing for her people.
  • Sake: This sacred Japanese rice wine, used in Shinto rituals, symbolizes purification and the joyous bond between humans and the divine.
  • Water: The essence of purity, water offerings, whether poured over a purification basin or presented in a vessel, symbolize cleansing and life.
  • Mirrors: Integral to Amaterasu's myth, mirrors represent self-reflection, truth, and a recognition of her luminous presence.
  • Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables: Fresh produce signifies the earth's bounty and gratitude for Amaterasu's life-sustaining energy.
  • Incense: Burning incense purifies the atmosphere, creating a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms.
  • Flowers: Flowers are a beautiful way to express purity, beauty, and reverence. Specifically for Amaterasu, chrysanthemums (symbols of the imperial family), sakura (cherry blossoms representing transient beauty), and ume (plum blossoms signifying resilience) are fitting choices.

When making offerings to Amaterasu, it's important to do so with a heart full of respect, gratitude, and sincerity. These offerings are not just physical gifts but are symbolic gestures that convey sacred spiritual meanings and intentions. 

    Daily Connections: 6 Practices to Embrace Amaterasu's Spirit

    Ise Grand Shrine

    Ise Grand Shrine

    Embracing the spirit of Amaterasu in your everyday life can be a source of strength, inspiration, and spiritual nourishment.

    Here are some practical activities that can help you connect with the sun goddess and integrate her essence into your daily routine:

      • 1. Sunrise Observance: Begin your day with the simple act of watching the sunrise. As the first rays break the horizon, take a moment to appreciate the new beginning, reflecting on Amaterasu’s emergence from the Ama-no-Iwato. This daily ritual can instill a sense of hope and renewal.
      • 2. Mirror Meditation: Use a mirror as a focal point for meditation, a nod to the Yata no Kagami. Spend a few minutes each day gazing into the mirror, not to scrutinize your appearance, but to reflect inwardly, seeking inner wisdom and clarity, much like Amaterasu’s moment of self-realization.
      • 3. Nature Walks in Sunlight: Regular walks in nature, especially in sunny areas, can help you feel closer to Amaterasu’s warmth and vitality. Feel the sun’s rays on your skin and acknowledge her life-giving energy nurturing all around you.
      • 4. Community Service and Acts of Kindness: As Amaterasu is a deity of benevolence and nurturing, engage in acts of kindness and community service. These actions embody her spirit and spread her light in the world.
      • 5. Rice Offering Ritual: Prepare a small bowl of rice as an offering. Place it on a dedicated shrine or space in your home as a gesture of gratitude towards Amaterasu for her sustenance and abundance. This act symbolizes your connection with the earth and the sun’s vital role in nurturing life.
      • 6. Harnessing Crystal Energy: Collect solar and fire-powered stones like sunstone, carnelian, fire agate, and red jasper. These crystals resonate with Amaterasu’s energy. Keep them in places where they can catch the light, or carry them with you to feel empowered by her warmth and vitality throughout the day.

        If you have the opportunity to visit Japan, consider making a pilgrimage to the Ise Grand Shrine, one of the holiest Shinto sites dedicated to Amaterasu. Experiencing this sacred space can provide a strong sense of connection with the goddess.

        Speaking Light into Life: Amaterasu-Inspired Affirmations

        Traditional Manner of storing Sake

        Affirmations are powerful, positive statements that help challenge and overcome negative thoughts or beliefs. By reprogramming the subconscious mind, they cultivate an optimistic and empowered mindset.

        The affirmations provided here are crafted to infuse you with Amaterasu's light, designed to enhance your daily routines and self-reflection practices.

        Whether you repeat them during meditation, incorporate them into journaling, or use them as daily reminders, select the ones that resonate with you most.

        • With every sunrise, I embrace new beginnings and infinite possibilities.
        • Nurtured by the sun’s embrace, I nurture others with kindness and empathy.
        • My connection to nature deepens with each day, honoring the life-giving energy of the sun and walking gently upon the earth.
        • The power of the sun flows through me, filling my life with energy and positivity.
        • My inner strength and resilience are as unyielding as the sun's unwavering presence in the sky.
        • Just as the sun nourishes the earth, I nourish my mind, body, and soul with positivity and self-care.
        • Like Amaterasu, I shine brightly even in the face of challenges, dispelling darkness with my inner light.

        Self-Discovery Through Reflection: Amaterasu-Inspired Journal Prompts

        Emperor Jimmu being led by the Yatagarasu

        "Emperor Jimmu being led by the Yatagarasu" by Adachi Ginkō

        Journal prompts are insightful questions or ideas designed to spark deep reflection and personal growth. By encouraging introspection, they illuminate paths to a more enlightened and self-aware mindset.

        The prompts offered here draw inspiration from Amaterasu and the sun's symbolism, aimed at enriching your journey of self-discovery.

        Whether you explore them through meditation, include them in your journaling practice, or use them as thought-starters, choose the prompts that speak most to your inner journey.

        • Like the sun, I shine brightest when...
        • Amaterasu's light represents warmth and hope. How can I bring more warmth and hope into my own life?
        • The sun rises each day, bringing a new beginning. What new beginnings am I ready to embrace in my life?
        • Reflect on a challenging time in your life. How did you find the strength and resilience to overcome it, just as Amaterasu emerged from the cave?
        • Amaterasu is known for bringing prosperity. What steps can I take to invite more abundance and prosperity into my life?
        • The sun's light reveals hidden beauty. What aspects of myself am I ready to uncover and embrace?
        • Like the sun, I have the power to nurture and energize. How can I use my energy to uplift and support others?
        • Amaterasu's light dispels darkness. What fears or doubts can I overcome by shining my inner light on them?

        Conclusion: Embracing Amaterasu’s Eternal Light

        "Amaterasu emerges from the Heavenly Rock Cave" by Kusinada

        "Amaterasu emerges from the Heavenly Rock Cave" by Kusinada

        Partnering with Amaterasu offers light and protection, even in our darkest moments. She aids in healing our wounded selves, instilling positivity and strength through life's trials and tribulations.

        Amaterasu's purpose is to share her light with the world, ensuring we never forget the light within us. Simply put, she serves as a constant reminder that peace and light can always be reclaimed, even after the darkest periods. Her presence reassures us that there is always a path back to joy and radiance.


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