Welcome to The Astrology of 2025: A Mini Guide to Cosmic Shifts & Collective Change
This guide is your companion for navigating 2025 with intention and clarity. Packed with insights from astrology, numerology, and Tarot, it’s crafted to help you align with your path of destiny, embrace meaningful growth, and stay informed about the opportunities and transformations that await in the New Year.
Consider this a short and sweet New Year’s Eve gift—a guide to prepare you for significant quantum leaps in 2025 by addressing the year’s key energetic pillars and themes in a simple, digestible way.
Without further ado, let’s dive into the lessons the cosmos has in store for us in 2025!
The Astrological Pillars of 2025

2025 brings a unique blend of cosmic energy, setting the foundation for an extremely transformative year ripe with unique opportunities as well as challenges to pay extra attention to. Think of these transits as the base ingredients that shape the year’s overall experiences, offering repeated themes of healing, service, and growth. With that said our main players this year are:
✦ Pluto in Aquarius
✦ The Lunar Nodes of Destiny Entering into Virgo & Pisces
✦ A Year Full of Ingresses (Planets entering into a new zodiac sign)
Pluto in Aquarius: Round 1 of the Shakeup Phase
If you’re interested in a deeper dive, I highly recommend my blog on Pluto in Capricorn, which also explores Pluto in Aquarius in more detail (it’s one of my personal favorites I've written). For now, let’s take a quick look at what Pluto in Aquarius means for 2025.
Pluto entered Aquarius on November 19, 2024, marking the start of an extremely powerful shift. Combined with the Lunar Nodes moving into Virgo and Pisces in 2025 (more on them in sec), this energy calls us to step into the roles of healers and regulators—for ourselves, our communities, and the world.
As old systems rooted in inequality, broken ethics, and a lack of empathy crumble, resistance is inevitable. Much like a cornered beast, these structures may lash out, testing us emotionally, physically, and spiritually. This turbulence will demand that we balance empathy with rebellion, a hallmark lesson of Aquarius.
The early years of Pluto in Aquarius—what I call the “shake-up phase”—are likely to expose the darker underbelly of society. Yet, in this chaos lies the potential for growth, innovation, and meaningful change. By aligning with these cosmic energies and embracing transformation, we can begin turning upheaval into progress.
Amid this turbulence, the Lunar Nodes in Virgo and Pisces offer a celestial antidote, guiding us toward collective healing and grounding us in compassion and purpose. Together, these energies provide the tools to navigate this transformative chapter with resilience and vision.
The Lunar Nodes In Virgo & Pisces

We have the Lunar Nodes of Destiny who will be guiding us through our next series of karmic eclipse cycles for the next 18 months/1.5 years starting January 11th as they enter sister signs of Virgo and Pisces. But first, what exactly are these nodes and what do they have to do with karma, destiny, and eclipses?
Let's break it down:
The Lunar Nodes of Destiny: Guiding Growth & Evolution
The Lunar Nodes are one of my favorite topics in astrology, endlessly fascinating for the insights they offer into both personal and collective trajectories. When dissecting a birth chart, the Nodes reveal where we’re being guided to grow and the karmic lessons we carry from past lives (if that resonates with you) or early life experiences.
✦ The South Node: represents where we’ve been—the skills and lessons we’ve mastered, as well as the tendencies we may rely on too much. While it holds our strengths, it also represents the comfort zone we must grow beyond to fully evolve.
✦ The North Node: on the other hand, symbolizes where we’re being called to expand next—the path of growth and the lessons that lead us toward our highest potential.
In Vedic astrology, the Nodes are called Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node) and are symbolized as a dragon. Rahu, the head, drives us forward into the unknown, while Ketu, the tail, represents the past that propels us but can keep us stuck if overly prioritized. To move forward, we must balance both, leaning into the discomfort of growth without losing sight of the wisdom we’ve already gained.
The Lunar Nodes & Eclipses
The Nodes aren’t physical celestial bodies but two points where the Moon’s orbit crosses the ecliptic (the plane of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun). They’re also critically integral to eclipses of which there are two types we experience:
✦ Solar Eclipse: Occurs when a New Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun.
✦ Lunar Eclipse: When a Full Moon passes in front of the Earth’s shadow.
Eclipses are powerful moments of activation and transformation, as they occur near the Nodes. The type of eclipse—solar or lunar—depends on whether the Moon is nearest to the North or South Node. Which is why when we have Eclipses we are directly dealing with the mobilization of the nodes and their current lessons. This is an important bit of info as we are going to experience four eclipses in 2025 so keep this knowledge about the Nodes in your back pocket.
The Lunar Nodes in Virgo & Pisces: A Path of Healing & Transformation
As the South Node enters Virgo and the North Node moves into Pisces in 2025, we are collectively called to balance the practical with the spiritual, releasing old patterns tied to rigid systems and perfectionism while embracing compassion, intuition, and universal connection. This nodal cycle offers a celestial framework for collective and personal healing, urging us to blend Virgo’s grounded service with Pisces’ spiritual vision.
Virgo (South Node): Reckoning with Systems & Service
The South Node in Virgo represents our collective comfort zone and areas that need release or reevaluation. Virgo’s energy emphasizes service, structure, and dedication but can also highlight where these qualities have become overburdening or misaligned.
Challenges & Pitfalls of the Virgo South Node:
✦ Over-Identification with Service:
Patterns of self-sacrifice or martyrdom may arise, where service is driven by obligation rather than alignment with higher values.
✦ Bending to Broken Systems:
Issues within societal structures (e.g., healthcare, education, labor) may surface, highlighting where reciprocity and integrity are lacking.
✦ Obsession with Details:
Hyper-focus on perfection or routine can lead to burnout and a loss of connection with greater purpose.
Opportunities for Growth:
✦ Service with Intention:
The South Node asks us to reflect on who and what we are serving, encouraging meaningful, reciprocal service aligned with our values.
✦ Simplification & Efficiency:
Virgo energy offers a chance to refine and streamline, letting go of unnecessary perfectionism to focus on practical solutions.
✦ Healing Through Routine:
Grounded practices like self-care rituals, holistic health routines, and mindfulness can help integrate Virgo’s lessons into daily life.
Pisces (North Node): Embracing Compassion & Spiritual Vision
The North Node in Pisces urges us to move beyond Virgo’s rigid focus on the material and practical, stepping into a more intuitive, compassionate, and spiritual way of being. It invites us to dream bigger, expand our perspectives, and trust the unknown.
Challenges & Pitfalls of the North Node in Pisces:
✦ Escapism & Avoidance:
Pisces’ dreamy nature can tempt us to avoid hard realities, retreating into fantasy or delusion.
✦ Overwhelm by Limitlessness:
Without grounding, Pisces’ transcendent energy can leave us feeling lost or directionless.
✦ Lack of Boundaries:
Compassion without boundaries may lead to emotional exhaustion or being taken advantage of.
Opportunities for Growth:
✦ Awakening Intuition & Faith:
Pisces encourages us to trust our inner guidance, deepen spiritual practices, and explore creative, visionary solutions.
✦ Integration of Virgo’s Lessons:
The North Node asks us to use Virgo’s structure and discipline to ground Pisces’ vivid dreams and imagination, transforming service into a heart-centered, spiritual act.
✦ Universal Compassion & Oneness:
By fostering empathy and embracing interconnectedness, we can find healing and connection on both individual and collective levels.
A Year of Transformation & Healing
As the Virgo-Pisces Nodes guide us, they urge us to release outdated systems and approaches (Virgo) while stepping into spiritual alignment and compassion (Pisces). Together, they pave the way for personal and collective healing, helping us navigate the shifting tides of 2025 with resilience, purpose, and grace.
The Major Planetary Ingresses of 2025: A Year of New Energetic Shifts

In astrology, an ingress occurs when a planet moves into a new zodiac sign. For example, when the Sun enters Capricorn, we say it’s ingressed into Capricorn, marking the start of Capricorn season.
The year 2025 is packed with ingresses, making it especially significant. What sets this year apart is the number of slow-moving outer planets, like Neptune and Uranus, changing signs—an event that only happens every seven years for Uranus and fourteen for Neptune. These shifts signal critical, long-term energy changes that shape the themes, challenges, and unique opportunities for entire decades.
In contrast, faster-moving planets like Mercury, Venus, and Mars, which change signs every few weeks or months, add dynamic, shorter-term influences. Together, these planetary movements set the tone for a year of transformation.
Here's a brief explanation of what to expect:
Neptune enters Aries
✦ Date: March 30, 2025
✦ Significance: Marks the start of a bold and visionary cycle for spirituality, activism, and individuality.
Uranus enters Gemini
✦ Date: July 7, 2025
✦ Significance: Signals dramatic innovation in communication, technology, and social adaptability as well as the potential for spontaneous shifts in the areas of life Gemini governs.
Saturn enters Aries
✦ Date: May 24, 2025
✦ Significance: Shifts from the reflective energy of Pisces to the proactive energy of Aries in regards to how we approach structure or challenges.
Venus Enters Aries + Venus Retrograde
Ingress Dates:
✦ Venus enters Aries: March 1, 2025
✦ Venus retrograde: March 1-April 12, 2025
✦ Significance: Re-examines personal values, how we identify with relationships, and self-worth during this period of transition.
Jupiter enters Cancer
✦ Date: June 9, 2025
✦ Significance: Focuses on growing emotional security, nurturing connections, and home-based expansion.
The Numerology & Tarot Insights of 2025: Year 9 & The Hermit

2025 is a Universal Year of 9, a number symbolizing spiritual growth, completion, humanitarianism, and the closure of significant cycles. This energy is calculated by adding the digits of 2025 together:
✦ Formula: 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 9
The number 9 holds a lot of symbolic meaning as it precedes 2026, a Universal Year of 1, which represents new beginnings and the start of a fresh cycle. This transition reflects larger cosmic themes, making 2025 a sort of preparatory year—a time to shed old paradigms, close lingering chapters, and prepare for the possibilities ahead.
The Year 9 Themes in 2025
The Universal Year of 9 encourages us to:
✦ Release What No Longer Serves Us: Let go of outdated habits, structures, and mindsets that hinder progress.
✦ Sift Through & Organize: Create clarity and space to prepare for new beginnings.
✦ Embrace Humanitarianism & Service: Align with the 9’s call to contribute to the greater good.
✦ Completion & Healing: Bring closure to unresolved matters, fostering spiritual and philosophical growth.
The Hermit: 2025’s Tarot Symbolism
In Tarot, the number 9 corresponds to The Hermit, a card representing introspection, self-discovery, and inner wisdom. The Hermit’s energy calls us to embark on a deep soul journey, seeking clarity and sacred knowledge within ourselves.
This connection emphasizes 2025’s reflective nature as a year of endings and spiritual preparation.
Like The Hermit’s illuminating lantern, the insights we uncover this year will light the way for the fresh start symbolized by 2026’s Universal Year of 1.
A Cosmic Parallel: Numerology Meets the Nodes & Pluto
The themes of the Virgo-Pisces nodal axis align seamlessly with the Year 9 energy:
✦ Virgo’s Precision & Service: Encourages practical action and mindful organization.
✦ Pisces’ Compassion & Spiritual Surrender: Guides us to release control and trust in the greater flow of life.
At the same time, Pluto’s first year in Aquarius amplifies the transformational energy of 2025. This period not only builds off of Pluto’s time in Capricorn but also sets the stage for collective growth, innovation, and alignment with humanitarian ideals.
2025: A Year of Reflection, Release, & Renewal